A big part of our media consumption is happening online nowadays, presented to us by algorithms making sure information performs rather than informs. The algorithms are going unnoticed to the user but they are there influencing what we see and what we don't see. Creating filter bubbles defining importance based on your behavior.
The goal often maximizing time spent on their platform and delivering the right clickable content. Clickable means it activates the user to click, often sensational and emotional, and therefore influential. These feeds are dictated by ones and zeros, true and false, black and white, left and right. There is no place for insignificant, neutral, and boring. All the algorithm wants is performance and precision within the set of rules given.
Misinformation in 2020 is layered and has different causes:
Mis-information industry: Companies making profit on sensational information, the monetization of conspiracy theories and alternative reality communities.
Weaponized information to disrupt, divide and misinform, spreading propaganda
Populistic politics, where popularity is more important than ideology.
The general public wanting to have easy explaination for difficulty questions
Algorithm v1
DATA input gets filtered on Negative and positive field
A stacking value is driving change in message
positive and negative are presented next to eachother
positive messages are enriched with Vincent Boon
Weaponized information
Nepnieuws stappenplan vpro
zondag 24 februari, 21.05 uur, NPO2
Poetins waarheid volgens Peter Pomerantsev
VPRO Tegenlicht
Aan het front van de informatieoorlog
Future Shock #49
De man die de term 'nepnieuws' populair maakte (VPRO) 21:04
UN tackles ‘infodemic’ of misinformation and cybercrime in COVID-19 crisis
Eu vs disinformation
Twitter deletes 170.00 pro china twitter accounts
K-pop fans are taking over 'White Lives Matter' and other anti-Black hashtags with memes and fancams of their favorite stars
My first idea was to use databases to deny my struggles with corona and make it profitable through my own algorithm. By making propaganda to put myself in a better light pretending i did a lot for the practice and especially others didn't.
I used the database where i filtered on positive and negative as representation what the contents impact would and directed the positive messages towards me.
Algorithm v1 -
Filter on positive, negative and neutral
Delete other information
If positive replace name with Vincent
If negative leave name
display Vincent + “positive message” left
Display name + “negative message” right
Assign professional font to left
Assign comic sans to right
Display next to each other as if are reactions to each other.
Fake news is something from all times but the term as we know it is the result of the internet content algorithms on social media platforms. With the rise of the pandemic, WHO warned also for an infodemic, as anxiety is a great opportunity to manipulate. Which came apparent quiet quickly as 5G towers around the country were burned as misinformation spread online. This made me wonder, how does misinformation spread and how is it possible reality has become something subjective?
fox news reality vs.
Performance over informance
The goal often maximizing time spent on their platform and delivering the right clickable content. Clickable means it activates the user to click, often sensational and emotional and therefore influential. These feeds are dictated by ones and zeros, true and false, black and white, left and right. There is no place for insignificant, neutral and boring. All the algorithm wants is performance and precision within the set of rules given.
The firehose of falsehood, or firehosing, is a propaganda technique in which a large number of messages are broadcast rapidly, repetitively, and continuously over multiple channels (such as news and social media) without regard for truth or consistency. Since 2014, when it was successfully used by Russia during its annexation of Crimea, this model has been adopted by other governments and political movements around the world.[1]
Netflix voor alternative realiteiten
Merging trump feed with news feeds
Comparing left and right twitter profiles
make a concrete plan before programming
Vincent boon